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Show Patients You Care With A Customized Seasonal Holiday Newsletter

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Dental patient satisfaction is increasingly being shaped by personalized care. While current satisfaction rates are relatively high, with reports indicating that over 90% of patients feel that maintaining their oral health significantly contributes to their overall well-being​, perceived indifference is a significant factor in patient attrition for dental clinics.


The perception of indifference is caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of communication beyond transactional, impersonal interactions, which can occur when dentists or staff members don’t take the time to personalize conversations or prioritize responsiveness, causing patients to feel ignored.

A gesture like a customized seasonal holiday newsletter, which will reach 100% of patient households and is not perceived as spam, shows patients you care about building lasting relationships and strengthening patient trust and loyalty.

In today’s competitive healthcare environment, make sure your patients feel valued and cared for with your holiday newsletter. The team at Patient NEWS will make it super easy and super personalized, and you can sit back and feel good on your holiday break because you’ve done a good thing.

FYI: Printed newsletters offer several advantages over email – particularly for dental practices that want to connect meaningfully with their patients. Printed materials receive more focused attention as people spend more time reading physical mail compared to email, which is often skimmed or ignored. Your holiday newsletter will have a shelf life in the home of 17 days, making it more likely to be seen, and there is less competition in the mailbox. A newsletter also feels more personal and intentional than a generic email, and it has a much higher perceived value than a card or email, which makes recipients more satisfied with the sender.  

The average dental office is also missing around 27% of patient emails, so even with an amazing open rate of 45%, an email will only reach around a third of patients, while your holiday newsletter will reach 100% of patient households. 100%!

Order a holiday patient newsletter today. It’s the right investment for successful dental practices.  

Your holiday newsletter can also include information on your top services, new technology, special offers, referral requests, staff highlights, and practice updates. Of course, it will also include a delicious and healthy recipe!


A woman in a black jacket is smiling for the camera.

As Senior Vice President, Joanne has 25+ years of dental marketing and business development experience. She holds a Degree in Marketing Management/Strategic Marketing from York University and Advertising from Centennial College. She’s fired up about Patient NEWS and all the ways we can help dentists, DSOs and their teams STAND OUT & Grow!

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